Peter Fournier and Catherine Fournier
Our articles section invites you to take a closer look at our Faith. Like the view from a window, there's always more "out there" than may be first apparent. This section contains interesting and useful information about celebrating the liturgical life of the church and living the Catholic faith in the Catholic family home. Articles often include excerpts from the Catechism, encyclicals and other writings of the Church.
Share Your Thoughts: Tell us how you live out the teachings of the Church, what has worked for you and what doesn't. If someone asked; "How have you built your family? Why did you do it that way?" What would you tell them? Share your family's wisdom (and foolishnesses) with the other Domestic Church readers. Thank you.
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Advent and Christmas
Nativity and Preparation
Treacheries, Tikes and Trinities by John
Our apologist discusses the history and motives of Planned Parenthood and Associates. -
A Season of
Giving, by Maggie Geene.
And it started with God's gift of His son to us. An article for youth. -
First Church Bells by Catherine Doherty.
Memories of childhood Advents in Russia. - Natural Family Planning by Wendy Cukierski
- Advent Hymns and Christmas Songs. by Catherine Fournier.
with Advent Hymns by Kelly Beck
Keeping the Advent season of preparation separate from the Christmas season of joy includes our musical choices. -
Celebrating Advent by Posie McPhee.
The co-founder of the Nazareth Family Apostolate shares her thoughts on bringing Advent to life. -
There Are No Perfect Christmas Trees by
Catherine Fournier
Nor should there be in a family celebration of Christmas. Perfection is for sissies. -
Traditions by Shonnie Scarola.
The history and background of many of our favorite traditions. - Advent traditions, Part One by Shonnie Scarola.
- Advent traditions, Part Two by Shonnie Scarola.
traditions, Part Three by Shonnie Scarola.
REVISED: 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' debunkers are debunked. -
Symbolic Jesse Tree by Catherine Fournier
Another version of the Jesse Tree - this one is without Scripture readings.
Heretics For Dinner, by Catherine Fournier
An exploration of a holiday mine field - how to reconcile the unreconcilable long enough to eat a turkey together? -
from Kids to God. by Unknown
These little letters only appear funny - the are deeply revealing of the wisdom of children.
Discovery and Discussion
Do you think the Harry Potter books are bad for kids? Some parents reject them because they believe that the books encourage kids to dabble in the occult. Other praise them for their imagination and positive messages about friendship, honesty and Love. We present two discussions of "Harry Potter" one in favour of the story and one against. I urge you to read both, read the books for yourself, and then trust your own discernment and the graces of the vocation of matrimony.
Moral Messages of "Harry Potter" by Doug
"The magic . . . as harmless as the magic that you find in Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast, yet the moral message is as profound as these Princess Classics, if not more so." -
Harry Potter and the Paganization of
Children's Culture by Michael D. O'Brien
"In my view, the truly reasonable arguments are all on the side of caution regarding the Potter series." -
Making Saints by Bill Dodds.
"Of course, the Church has never 'made' saints; rather it recognizes in a particular and formal way those men, women and children who, through the grace of God, have led lives of heroic virtue." -
Starting a Youth Group by Matt Pinto.
The Why and How of giving your parish's youth some guidance. -
Don't Know the Truth by Michael Cambpell.
The leader of a retreat centre gives advice on how to know our Faith better. -
Re-Learning To Say "Please" And "Thank-You"
by Doug McManaman
The author suggests that the root of atheism (and faith) is an attitude of gratitude. -
Salvation Outside the Church by John
Our apologist answers the perennial question - is everyone else going to Hell? -
by Monsignor Thomas Wells.
Finding the all important balance in all the developing elements of our faith, church, society and culture. -
A Brief
Apology excerpted from "The Battleground,
Syria and Palestine" by Hillaire Belloc
Gentle humour. - Grace: According to Baba, and the Catechism by Catherine Fournier
Chastity - Catholic Truth for Catholic Youth
by Father Gerard Monaghan
A chaste life is the best way to express gratitude for the gift of our bodies and sexuality.
Business Plan by Julie Ann Warth-Brown
'Prof Julie" describes some of the challenges and blesses of her work preserving and distributing antique holy cards.
A Revival
Of Christian Culture Through The Family by
Jennifer Gregory.
An overview of building the domestic church - why should we? Where can we start? What things could we do? -
Blessing by Thomas Kleinert.
Another version and explanation for the 19+C+M+B+99 atop our doors. -
Doorways by Shonnie Scarola.
Some traditional customs celebrating Epiphany. -
Liturgical Colors by Catherine Fournier
Interesting information about liturgical colours and the names and uses of sacred vessels. -
Why Do We
Honour The Saints? by Maria Hernandez.
Explanation and discussion of this important aspect of our faith lives; emulation of and intercessory prayer to our brothers and sisters in Christ - the saints. -
Days' by Catherine Fournier
How we celebrate feast days of saints that our family are named after, bringing the 'heroes' of the Church to life for our children. -
Symbols by Shonnie Scarola.
Reference for the symbols of many common saints. -
Saints by Catherine Fournier
Some saints are known to have a particular affinity or interest for intercession. A list of patron saints and their 'specialty.' -
Tuesday by Catherine Fournier
'Pancake Day' explained and some recipes offered.
for the Year of the Holy Spirit by Pope
John Paul II.
Composed by the Holy Father for this second year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.
Lent and Easter
Apostolic Succession, Some Arguments by
Catherine Fournier.
A brief look at Apostolic Succession -
Great Jubilee; the Year 2000. by Gwen Wise.
Short article discussing the Jubilee Year, and some suggestions for preparation in the domestic church. -
Parents and
Schools and Human Sexuality. by the Couple
to Couple League.
A Couple to Couple League Press release discussing recent debate over the rights, responsibility and role of parents, and educators in this subject.
Marital Chastity and Natural Family Planning
by Stacey Holgate.
What place does virtue have in marriage and how is chastity an integral aspect of any healthy marriage? - A Sense of Lent by Andrea Wollums. A mother reflects on Lent in the domestic church.
Abstinence, And Self-Denial In Lent. from
the St. Patrick Church bulletin.
Fasting regulations from 111 years ago. -
Turning Back Towards God, by Maggie Geene.
An article for youth about the purpose and reasons for Lenten observances. -
Meditation on The Easter Vigil by Trudy
A mother remembers the special moments, and the memories they have given her children, of attending the Easter Vigil.
Journalling: A Way to Pray , by Maggie
Companion to her first article, this explores in more detail a form of prayer that some find especially effective. -
for the Year of the Holy Spirit by John
Paul II.
Composed by the Holy Father for this second year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. -
Preparing for the Great Jubillee by Gwen
Suggestions for preparing the domestic church for this great year. - Veni Creator Spiritus by Unknown
Novena to
the Holy Spirit by Unknown
To further honour this year. -
Reflection on the Beatitudes by Unknown.
Some modern beatitudes, which contrast and complement the orginals quite well.
Saint Joseph the Worker
Ways to Support Your Parish Priest by Debra
We can do something about the way our own parish priests are treated -
Vocational Choices for Youth , by Maggie
Our youth minister encourages young people to serious consider their vocational choices. -
Rights and
Catholic Marriage by Peter Fournier.
An examination of the incompatibility between the modern view of 'rights' and the Catholic view of marriage. -
Christ Centred Marriage by Carrie Handy.
A wife and mother muses on the benefits of living with NFP, a marriage centred on Christ rather than one or the other spouse.
Why Go To Church? by Father
Gerard Monaghan.
A parish priest explains why church attendance is indispensible for faith life. -
Ectopic Myopic by James Hrkach
A counter article in response to The Culture of Life Triumphs Amidst Hopeless Odds by Kelly Bowring -
Culture of Life Triumphs Amidst Hopeless Odds
, by Kelly Bowring
A husband and wife tell the story of their daughter's short life and death due to an ectopic pregnancy. -
Families! by Robb Klucik.
A father describes the family network called Holy Families! -
Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier: by Doug
A Brief Look at Fatherhood, Trinity, and Analogy in a clear, simple and gentle article. A glimpse of Truth. -
Joseph, Summit of Holiness . One Parent's
Perspective by Chris Klamer
A meditation of Saint Joseph's role in his family and ours. -
Living Morally in the Marketplace by Msgr.
Thomas Wells.
A brief description of some ordinary men and the prayer organization they founded to help them living morally in the marketplace. - Catholic Art and Culture in the Home by Matthew Brooks.
The Importance of Taking Oneself Lightly
by Doug McManaman.
It has been said that the fanatic is the one who redoubles his efforts while having lost sight of his end. By this definition how many of us are fanatics? -
Ministry Activities by Maggie Geene.
How to support Catholic youth in your community
Understanding God's Love by Ron Grieb.
A review of a book taking a comprehensive look at the nature and depth of God's Love for us. - Novenas to Saint Joseph by Unknown.
Listening Disability by Doug McManaman.
A Catholic high school teacher suggests that his students have never learned to listen. They have a listening disability that hampers their ability to think and to pray.
Assumption and Queenship of Mary
Honouring Mary
Households by Patricia Fitzsimmons.
Meditation and reflection, in the voice of Mary, on the mystery of the gift of human love. -
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Truth, by John
Our apologist's explains the honoured position of Our Blessed Mother and the role of Marian devotion in the Catholic faith. -
by Patricia Fitzsimmons.
A meditation on a powerful moment in Mary's life, in the formation of our faith and Marian devotion.
a Singing Family to Build a Singing Church
by Mary Jane Ballou.
Everyone knows Catholics don't sing. Why not? It's easy and it's fun. Getting your family to sing at home will encourage singing at church. -
Teaching Our Children About Sexuality by
Trudy Whittaker.
A necessary beginning to Chastity Education. -
our Children About Chastity by Kerry Brine.
Leading directly out of education about God's gift of Sexuality. -
Teaching Our Children About NFP by Trudy
Another step to raising chaste and faithful children. -
Moral Difference Between Contraception and
Natural Family Planning by Doug McManaman
Not that one is 'natural' and the other not. No, the important difference is that one is for life and one against. -
For Our
Children And For Us All by Most Reverend
Roman Danylak. S.T.L., J.U.D..
Complimenting our recent review of the Fully Alive and other programs in Catholic Education , a policy statement on Religious, Family Life and AIDS Education from a brave Canadian bishop. -
Liturgical Dressing by Regina Doman
A young wife's description of how she controlled runaway wardrobes and dressed 'for her vocation' at the same time. -
Why Nuns
(Should) Wear Habits by Catherine Fournier
An interesting complement to the article above.
Family Health
Gestational Diabetes by Jaqueline Todorov
An easily treated complication. -
Induced Hypertension by Jaqueline Todorov
Another condition of pregnancy.
Angels and Archangels
September and October
- Monkey Business, Angels and Apologetics by John Pacheco.
What Are
Ghosts ? by Dr. Peter Kreeft.
An excerpt from "Everything You Wanted to Know About Heaven" -
Daughter Talks to Angels by Maggie Geene.
Our Youth Minister talks about teaching our children about the angels.
Happiness is not a Matter of Having, but a
Matter of Being by Doug McManaman.
A timely discussion of moral law and freedom in the light of recent court rulings on assisted suicide and other so-called freedoms. -
Allows Suffering by Maggie Geene.
In a complementary piece, our youth contributor discusses the problem of suffering. -
for Quality by Matthew R. Brooks.
In a world gone mad with materialism, we have lost our awareness and appreciation of quality. -
schooling Through High School by Sheila
Some sage advice about teaching - and reaching - teens.
Saints and All Souls by Lori Hadacek
Remembering the Dead - Don't Make Them Remind Us
Rosary by Monsignor Thomas Wells
October honours Mary through the Rosary. -
to Saint Michael by Catherine Fournier
Written by Pope Leo XIII in response to our times.
Family Health
Picky Eaters!
by Jaqueline Todorov
The first in a series of articles about eating disorders. -
and Bulemia by Jaqueline Todorov
A brief look at a serious problem.